If I don’t remember if I said “Mashiv Haruach” do I need to repeat Shmoneh Esrei?
We all know that starting on Shmini Atzeres we add the line of “Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem” to davening. If a person forgets to include this line he must repeat the Shmoneh Esrei. However, if he remembers before he started the next bracha (Atta Kadosh), he is allowed to insert it where he is up to and continue from there (S.A. 114:5-6).
The question that comes up is what is the halacha if one does not remember saying it, does he have to repeat the davening? If a person says morid hatal during the summer months, then even if he does not remember saying “Mashiv Haruach” he need not repeat the davening (S.A. 114:5). For Ashkenazim that generally don’t say morid hatal the halacha is that until 30 days have past we assume that he said what he is accustomed to saying. Therefore he must repeat the davening. One way to avoid this problem is to repeat the line of michayei maysim atta… hageshem 90 times. Doing this makes him accustomed to the addition (ibid 8) The Chasam Sofer says that one should say it 101 times to make accustom himself to it. The Mishna Berura says that one should preferably follow the opinion of the Chasam Sofer (M.B. ibid 41).
For the first 30 days we assume that the person said what he is accustomed to saying so if he is unsure if he added “Mashiv Haruach” he should repeat the tefila. If he said morid hatal then he should not repeat Shmoneh Esrei. To avoid this issue it is advisable to say from the words michayei maysim until hageshem 101 times (or at least 90) in order to accustome himself to the change.