Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is one allowed to wash dishes on Shabbos?

Vol. 1 Iss. 21

פרשת תזריע

Dvar Torah

 By: Rabbi Goldman 

   There are many mitzvos in the Torah that are described as being זכר ליציאת מצרים. Many of these mitzvos are related to Pesach; the korban pesach, matzah, maror and the hagadah. But there are other ones as well; שמע, שבת, יום טוב to name a few. We find ourselves constantly mentioning זכר ליציאת מצרים. 

     A number of the Reshonim explain why the Torah puts such an emphasis on יציאת מצרים. They explain that the events which occurred throughout the story contain many essential lessons for us. Through the constant focus on the Exodus we will develop a greater understanding of these lessons. 

     When we analyze the story one clear lesson that we see is the power of Hashem. He is the absolute controller of all forces of nature. Everything works the way it does because that is the way Hashem tells it to work. We also see that the greatest military power is only as strong as Hashem allows it to be. 

     We see the incredible love that Hashem has for the Jews- all of this was done solely for the Jews. Hashem took care of us in a special way. Hashem promised us that we would always be his chosen people.  We see the incredible chessed of Hashem- He does so much for us even when we really don't deserve it on our own merits. 

     When we focus on all these points we quickly realize how much we owe to Hashem. This is the lesson of יצית מצרים. This is also the reason why we have to try our best to serve Hashem in the way he tells us. Hopefully, this will motivate us to continue our learning and performance of mitzvos which are the main purpose of life!  Wishing everyone a good Shabbos!


        Dvar Halacha

       By: R' Chananya Berman

Question:   Is one allowed to wash dishes on Shabbos?

Discussion:  Last week we talked about soaking dishes on Shabbos in order to clean them after Shabbos. This week we will discuss washing dishes on Shabbos. There are a few issues that need to be looked at, we will discuss each one on its own. The first issue is if own does not need these dishes for Shabbos day (e.g. the person is eating out) one would not be permitted to wash them. The reason for this is Hachona - preparing on Shabbos for the week. However, if the dishes will be needed again for Shabbos day, one would be permitted to wash them in a permissible manner. Even if one wishes to wash the dishes and set them aside for next Shabbos this would not be permitted. It is considered Hachona in this case as well.

     If a person will need the dishes for Shabbos day one would be allowed to wash all of the dishes- even if he only needs some of them. For example if a person needs a cup he can wash all the cups even thought he does not need all of them (משנה ברורה שכ"ג סקכ"ו). One would not be allowed to wash cups if he needed forks. If one has other dishes to use and wants to anyway wash and use the same dishes from Friday night a rav should be asked.

     Using Hot Water

      Even in a situation where washing dishes is permitted it can not be done in the usual manner. One is not permitted to turn on the hot water tap because this causes cold water to enter the boiler and get boilled. However, if one has hot water prepared before Shabbos he may fill up a tub of water and places the dishes in it. Even if one prepares hot water before Shabbos, one would not be allowed to pour the water on the dishes directly because it would be "pouring from a kli rishon" which causes the hardened grease to dissolve. This would be a problem of Nolad (משנה ברורה רנ"ג סק"ק).

    Using Soap

     According to many poskim one would be allowed to use liquid soap (Aruch Hashulchan 326:11). However, there are poskim that advise one to dilute the soap with water before using it so that it is very liquidy. 

    Sponges and Pads

    One would not be permitted to use an absorbent material to wash the dishes because the water will inevitably be squeezed out while in use. This is a problem of sechita. However, one would be allowed to use a synthetic pad whose fibers are widely spaced and cannot trap water (The Shabbos Kitchen page 206).

Summary:  Dishes which are needed for this Shabbos may be washed in a permitted manner. One cannot use hot water from the tap, however, one may prepare water in a tub and place the dishes in it. Additionally according to some poskim the soap should be diluted before using it. If it is a solid bar of soap it would not be permitted to use at all.  Finally, one may only use a dish pad that is made out of synthetic fibers that don't present a problem of sechita.           

       For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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Food For Thought


According to the Sefer Hachinuch women are obligated in the mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים. Yet, we know that women are not obligated in time bound mitzvahs. Why is this mitzvah different?  



Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 7:01

Sh'kea                             7:19

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:48

Mogen Avroham             9:12

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is one allowed to soak dishes on Shabbos?


Vol. 1 Iss. 20

פרשת שמיני

Dvar Torah

 By: R' Chananya Berman


   The pasuk at the end of Parshas Tzav tells us that Aharon did everything that Hashem commanded him through Moshe. The Toras Kohanim explains that the pasuk is telling us this to teach us that he acted with great joy as if he heard it directly from Hashem.  The Maharal explains that the way of the world is if someone tells you what to do, you wont do it with joy because you are listening to someone else. So the Torah is praising Aharon for doing it with joy even though he is listening to someone else.

    If we think about this we can learn an important lesson from here. Aharon Knew that everything Moshe told him was from Hashem, yet the Torah is telling us Aharon  acted with joy. This means that I would have thought perhaps Aharon didn't act with complete joy. This means that even someone on as high a level as Aharon is susceptible to this natural feeling of not wanting to listen to others. Even when he knows it is coming from Hashem! Perhaps this is because we don't want to feel as if we need to be told what to do. We want to be able to make our own decisions.  

    If we realize that we, as humans, have this weakness we will be able to recognize it when it rears it's head next time someone asks us to do something. We will be able to listen with joy and without a feeling of lowering ourselves to others.


        Dvar Halacha

       By: R' Chananya Berman

Question:   Is one allowed to soak dishes on Shabbos in order to make it easier to wash them after Shabbos?

Discussion:  A person is not permitted to engage in any post-Shabbos preparation. The reason for this prohibition is; it would be disgraceful to the honor of Shabbos to prepare for the week. Therefore, even an act which is one of the Melachos of Shabbos may be prohibited if it is being done for after Shabbos.

    One common question that arises is can one soak his dishes on Shabbos to aid in cleaning up after Shabbos? Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurebach says in שמירת שבת כהלכתה that one is allowed to soak the pots or pans as long as the food has not dried out. If the food has already dried out one would not be allowed to soak it (ע"ש פרק י"ב סעיף ב-ג). Rav Belsky Shlita is quoted in Rabbi Ribiat's 39 melachos sefer as disagreeing with this method.

     There are two other methods that one can use. One would be allowed to prepare a pot of soapy water before Shabbos and then put the dishes in on Shabbos. Or one can place the dishes in the sink and then continue to use the sink in a normal fashion while the water runs over the dishes (see The Kosher Kitchen page 204).

      There are two exceptions to this; if the dirty pot will emit an unpleasant odor one would be allowed to soak it or wash it off on Shabbos. This is because we view it as a need for Shabbos and not as a preparation for the week (One should ask a rav regarding the proper method for washing dishes on Shabbos). The other exception would be if the pot will stain and get ruined by not washing or soaking it immediately (שמירת שבת כהלכתה י"ב: ב).   

       For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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Food For Thought


The halacha is that we don't say tachanun the entire month of Nissan. The reason  we don't say it for the first 12 days is because it was a holiday for each נשיא on the day he brought his korban to dedicate the mishkan. The question is why would the people of the other shevatim not say tachanun just because it is a holiday for one shavet?



Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 6:54

Sh'kea                             7:12

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:54

Mogen Avroham             9:18

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