Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: Is one allowed to soak dishes on Shabbos in order to make it easier to wash them after Shabbos? Discussion: A person is not permitted to engage in any post-Shabbos preparation. The reason for this prohibition is; it would be disgraceful to the honor of Shabbos to prepare for the week. Therefore, even an act which is one of the Melachos of Shabbos may be prohibited if it is being done for after Shabbos. One common question that arises is can one soak his dishes on Shabbos to aid in cleaning up after Shabbos? Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurebach says in שמירת שבת כהלכתה that one is allowed to soak the pots or pans as long as the food has not dried out. If the food has already dried out one would not be allowed to soak it (ע"ש פרק י"ב סעיף ב-ג). Rav Belsky Shlita is quoted in Rabbi Ribiat's 39 melachos sefer as disagreeing with this method. There are two other methods that one can use. One would be allowed to prepare a pot of soapy water before Shabbos and then put the dishes in on Shabbos. Or one can place the dishes in the sink and then continue to use the sink in a normal fashion while the water runs over the dishes (see The Kosher Kitchen page 204). There are two exceptions to this; if the dirty pot will emit an unpleasant odor one would be allowed to soak it or wash it off on Shabbos. This is because we view it as a need for Shabbos and not as a preparation for the week (One should ask a rav regarding the proper method for washing dishes on Shabbos). The other exception would be if the pot will stain and get ruined by not washing or soaking it immediately (שמירת שבת כהלכתה י"ב: ב). For all practical questions please ask your Rav. 
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