The Mishna in Pirkei Avos tells us that when someone dedicates himself to Torah, then he is saved from being involved in other endeavors.
Rabbeinu Yonah explains that there are two different concepts that are included in this mishna: First of all there are many different situations that we may encounter in life which may keep us busy all of the time and we may often be too busy to do what we would like to be doing. Hashem tells us that there is a special zechus that if we are spend our time learning Torah then we will not have many of these frustrating distractions. A second lesson that the Mishna is teaching us is when a person spends his time learning, he will often develop an appreciation for what is really important in life. That includes the recognition that it is not important to be involved in luxuries. Once we recognize that, we now do not have a need to spend time and energy in order to access those luxuries.
When we compare the two possibilities- of either having the ability to be satisfied without too much (but also not having the means to acquire too much); or, to have a need for "a lot" but to have the ability to work hard to fill those needs. It seems that as long as the person is really happy with "less" then it's much better because the time and energy that is necessary to work for more, can be avoided.
Shavuos may be a time to focus on what is important and to try to find as much time for Torah as we can!