Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can one make ice on Shabbos?

Vol. 1 Iss. 30

Parshas Shilach

      Dvar Torah

             By: Rabbi Goldman




     The Alter of Slobodka says that the world offers many opportunities for happiness. All of our senses can be constantly used in order to bring us a lot of pleasure. The ability to appreciate all forms of beauty is available to us because of our ability to see. Our vision also gives us the ability to recognize and understand the world that is around us. The opportunities that are available to us based on our vision alone are endless.

      However, it seems to be very difficult to appreciate and enjoy all of the benefits and pleasures that we are surrounded with. The Alter explains that anything that we are used to having, we take it for granted and we don't appreciate it or enjoy it anymore.   

      The purpose of making a "Bracha" is in order to force us to stop and think about the pleasures that we have and to appreciate them. One benefit that results from this appreciation is that we can recognize how much Hashem gives us and cares about us. We thank Hashem for this through our Bracha. Another benefit of this process is that we will be much happier when we are recognizing how much we have. If we internalize this message and realize how much Hashem loves us we will be able to live happier lives. Have a great Shabbos!








        Dvar Halacha     

         By: R' Chananya Berman




Question:   Is one permitted to make ice on Shabbos?

Discussion: There is a rabbinic prohibition of Molid (creating a new entity) on Shabbos. There is a dispute among the Reshonim why molid is prohibited. One opinion is, it looks similar to a milacha since you are creating something. Another opinion is it resembles the milacha of Sechita (squeezing) and is therefore prohibited so that people don't come to actually do Sechita. The third opinion is that causing something to change forms is prohibited even if you are not directly doing anything to change it.

       According to the first two opinions one would be able to put water into a freezer since he is not doing anything directly to cause the water to freeze. However, according to the third reason one would not be allowed to put water into the freezer. We paskin stringently here and say  that one should not put water into the freezer on Shabbos. But, if one inadvertently did so the ice could be used for Shabbos.

       There is an exception to this rule. If one is in a situation of great need then he would be permitted to rely on the lenient opinion and make ice on Shabbos. The poskim say that great need means if one is having guests or for Oneg Shabbos. So if one is running out of ice then he may make more on Shabbos.

       There is another opinion that is brought among the poskim; that the only prohibition against freezing things is regarding other liquids besides water. According to this one would be allowed to make ice even without a "great need". Rav Moshe zt"l is quoted as having said "since the whole purpose of the ice is to melt into the liquid that you want cooled down, making it into a solid is not considered molid at all."



There is a machlokes whether one can make ice on Shabbos. The first opinion holds that one should not make ice unless there is a "great need" i.e. guests or for Oneg Shabbos. The other opinion holds that one may make ice on Shabbos because the prohibition was only made for liquids other then Water.   

For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

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 For times out of NYC please click

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 8:10

Sh'kea                             8:28

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:09

Mogen Avroham             8:33

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