Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: Can I separate pages of a book (or magazine etc.) that are attached to each other? Discussion There are two possible situations where this question comes up, we will deal with each one separately. If the pages are attached to each other from the binding process then one would not be permitted to separate them. The reason for this is Koreiah, Michatech and Makeh Bipatish. You are tearing, cutting to a specific size and you are finishing an item. However, if the pages became attached due to some glue or food item that was spilled on them you would be permitted to separate these pages. However, one must be sure that the pages themselves will not be torn. If the letters are covered by the glue or will be torn in the process one may not detach them (M.B. 340:45). For all practical questions please ask your Rav.  |