Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: Can I read a book that has words stamped on the edge of the pages? Discussion: There is a dispute among the poskim whether one may open a book that has words stamped on the outer edge of the pages. One opinion is that one may not read such a book because every time the book is opened one is erasing the words and when the book is closed one is writing the words. This is the opinion of the Levush (340:4). However, the Rema writes in a teshuva (119) that one may open and close such a book. The custom is to follow the lenient opinion (Shulchan Aruch HaRav 340:4). However, the Mishna Berura writes that if one has another copy of the same book without the writing on the edge it would be better to use that copy (340:17). Another option is one can insert a piece of paper between the pages that have the writing on them before Shabbos. This way the letters remain broken even when the book is closed. One should be careful not to remove the paper on Shabbos (The Shabbos Home pg. 11) For all practical questions please ask your Rav.  |
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