Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman This year many of the Yomim Tovim fall out on Thursday and Friday. One problem this presents is how do we prepare for Shabbos? We all know that there is something called an Eruv Tavshilin in the coming weeks we will hopefully clarify some of the issuse involved in an Eruv. Question: What actions are permitted on the basis of an Eruv Tavshilin (Part I)? Discussion: Any milacha that is permitted to be done on Yom Tov in the preparation of food may be done for Shabbos. This applies equally to something which is a melacha on a Biblical level as well as on a Rabbinic level. This includes the obvious ones like cooking or baking and also includes the less obvious ones such as washing dishes with hot water or lighting candles (Shulchan Aruch HaRav 503:3; Levush 528:2). An Eruv Tavshilin will also permit one to prepare something in a non-melacha fashion, even when the benefit is not related to food. An example of this is rolling the Torah to the correct place. Similarly one would be permitted to tidy up a room even if that room will not be used until Shabbos (Shaar Hatzion 302:17). Note: One may only begin preparing for Shabbos on Thursday after tzeis even with an Eruv Tavshilin. . For all practical questions please ask your Rav.  |
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