Friday, November 11, 2011

Using disposable diapers on Shabbos

What is the proper way to put on and take off a diaper on Shabbos?
Last week we discussed the melacha of "tofer" (sewing). We said that any form of attaching two items (or an item to itself) falls under this category. This week we will apply this concept to diapers. We mentioned that when we talk about taping there is a leniency that is mentioned in the poskim that if the object will definitely become detached with in 24 hours it is permitted to attach it. Based on this there are poskim that permit using a disposable diaper in the regular manner on Shabbos, since it will surely be detached with in the allotted time. One should be careful to detach the tabs and not slip the diaper off of the child. Additionally, when disposing of the diaper one must be careful not to fasten the adhesive tabs to the sides of the diaper (Titz Eliezer 15:6).

We mentioned last week that there is a dispute as to whether one must detach the tabs of a band-aid before shabbos. This same dispute applies to diapers as well. One opinion is that one must open the adhesive tabs, before Shabbos, for all the diapers he will need for Shabbos (Titz Eliezer 16:6, Oz Nidberu 7:34 as well as others). However, the opinion of Rav Moshe Finestein was that one need not do this prior to Shabbos (additionally this was the opinion of Rav Aurebach zt"l as well as Rav Scheinberg shlit"a).  


For all practical questions one should ask a rav. 

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