Friday, January 6, 2012

Shabbos Candles

Where is the proper place to light Shabbos Candles?
The best place to light Shabbos Candles is on or near the table where one will be eating the Shabbos meal (Rema 263:10; M.B. 45). If this is not possible then the candles should be lit in a place where someone will benefit from their light (M.B. 48). This becomes an issue on Succos since some may not feel comfortable lighting in their succah. In such a situation one should make sure to light them as above.
Even though the best place to light Shabbos Candles is at the table, there is a hiddur mitzvah to have lights on in any room that will be used over Shabbos. If one does not want to have a light on in his bedroom then a hall light should be left on.
I am eating out for the Friday night meal, what is the proper procedure for lighting the Shabbos Candles?
The proper place to light the Shabbos Candles in this situation is where you are sleeping (assuming the hostess is lighting candles at the meal). However, the one lighting must derive some benefit from the candles. Therefore, she should daven by the light of the candles before she leaves to the meal. Another option is to make sure the candles will still be burning when you come back home. Again, one should do something by the light of the candles i.e. eat something (Mishneh Halachos 5:41; Rav Moshe Feinstein).
If a person is staying at someone’s house for the entire Shabbos then technically they can fulfill their obligation with the hostess. However, the accepted custom is for the wife to light as well.

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