Thursday, April 14, 2011

When can a person wash dishes on Yom Tov?

Vol. 1 Iss. 23

פרשת אחרי מות
Wishing Everyone a חג כשר ושמח! There will be no email sent out before Yom Tov or on Chol Hamoed.



        Dvar Halacha

       By: R' Chananya Berman

Question:   When can a person wash dishes on Yom Tov?

Discussion:  A few weeks ago we discussed washing dishes on Shabbos, we will now include the differences of yom tov. One is not allowed to wash dishes from one day of Yom Tov to the next. This means that after the lunch meal one should not wash the dishes that will only be needed for the next night's meal. We will see that there are some exceptions to this rule.*

      One may wash all the dishes he used at the night meal for the day meal even if he will not need all those dishes as long as they are suitable for use. For example, if a person  had a lot of guests at night but will not be having so many people for the day meal, he may never the less wash all the dishes suitable for the day meal. However, if at the night meal he used a soup bowels which he will not need for the day meal, he would not be allowed to wash them. If, however, he needed even one bowel, he would be allowed to wash all of the bowels (משנה ברורה סשכ"ג סקכ"ו).

      There is one important addition to this. A person may use hot water from the tap to wash dishes on Yom Tov. However, he may only turn on the hot water to wash the dishes he actually needs not the dishes which are suitable for use. Once the hot water is on he need not shut it off and can continue washing the dishes that are suitable for use. If the water would have been shut off after he washed the needed dishes, he may not turn the hot water back on to wash the other dishes (The Laws of Yom Tov Page 214).

     *The scenario in which one may be allowed to wash dishes that one no longer needs is if the dirty dishes will cause one discomfort by giving off a bad smell or by attracting cockroaches or other insects.    

       For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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Food For Thought


Why is it that on Chol Hamoed Pesach we do not sat full Hallel yet on Chol Hamoed Succos we do say full Hallel?




Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

These times are for NYC only 

 For times out of NYC please

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 7:16

Sh'kea                             7:34

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:35

Mogen Avroham             8:59

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