Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can I wear sunglasses in a city that has no eiruv?

Vol. 1 Iss. 40

פרשת ראה




        Dvar Halacha     

         By: R' Chananya Berman





Can I wear sunglasses on Shabbos in a city without an eiruv?


Before we talk about sunglasses let us discuss regular glasses. The Chayei Adam rules (56:3) that one is not allowed to wear glasses in a place that does not have an eiruv. The reason is we are concerned that the glasses may fall off and you will carry them in a reshus harabim. However, many of the later poskim (e.g Rivivos Efraim 2:115:115) say that in today's times since the glasses are fitted around one's ears we are not conerned that he will carry them. Therefore one may wear regular glasses even without an eiruv.


In regards to sunglasses that are worn to protect one's eyes from the sun, they are permitted to be worn even without an eiruv. However, if one is wearing the sunglasses for a different reason (i.e. style) then one should consult with a rav before doing so.



For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

These times are for NYC only 

 For times out of NYC please click

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 7:19

Sh'kea                             7:37

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:37

Mogen Avroham             9:01

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