Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Obligation of Women in lighting the Chanukah Menorah
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Using An Electric Menorah
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Laws of Chanuka
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Dusting off a jacket on Shabbos
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Discussion:One of the melachos on Shabbos is “Dosh” (Threshing). One of the toldos of this melacho is “Mefarak” (squeezing) this is similar to the melacho of “Sechita”. A application of this Melacho is squeezing a liquid out of a wet cloth. Based on this there are some poskim that say that one should not use baby-wipes on Shabbos because when one uses them he is squeezing out the liquid on to the skin of the baby (Orchos Shabbos 13:46).
However, there are poskim (Rav Moshe zt”l) that permit using wipes for the following reason. Most of the liquid is not absorbed into the cloth, rather it is on the surface of the cloth (this is done so that it is easier to use the wipes). There are two things that one must keep in mind if he is going to follow this view. 1) Many wipes come attached and therefore they must be separated before Shabbos for Shabbos use. 2) The cloth should only be used while saturated. This means that once the cloth begins to dry out one should not use it on Shabbos. The reason for this is when it begins to dry one is forced to squeeze harder for the liquid to come out. This is certainly a problem of “Mefarak”. Additionally one should be careful to only wipe in a gentle way even if the wipes are still saturated. This is because if one wipes vigorously the liquid will surely be squeezed out.
Because of the issues involved with baby-wipes many people try no to use them on Shabbos. Instead they use tissues and water, making sure to first sprinkle water on the baby and then to use the tissue to wipe it away. Others will only use “kosher” brands which come with a hashgacha for Shabbos use. One should ask his own rav as to which way is the most appropriate.
Summary:There are different opinions regarding the use of baby-wipes on Shabbos. One opinion is that they should not be used. Rav Moshe zt”l held that they can be used, providing that the wipes are saturated with liquid. There are brands of baby-wipes that come with “hasgachas” as far as their permissibility of use on Shabbos. One should consult a rav as to which opinion to follow.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Using disposable diapers on Shabbos
What is the proper way to put on and take off a diaper on Shabbos?
Last week we discussed the melacha of "tofer" (sewing). We said that any form of attaching two items (or an item to itself) falls under this category. This week we will apply this concept to diapers. We mentioned that when we talk about taping there is a leniency that is mentioned in the poskim that if the object will definitely become detached with in 24 hours it is permitted to attach it. Based on this there are poskim that permit using a disposable diaper in the regular manner on Shabbos, since it will surely be detached with in the allotted time. One should be careful to detach the tabs and not slip the diaper off of the child. Additionally, when disposing of the diaper one must be careful not to fasten the adhesive tabs to the sides of the diaper (Titz Eliezer 15:6).
We mentioned last week that there is a dispute as to whether one must detach the tabs of a band-aid before shabbos. This same dispute applies to diapers as well. One opinion is that one must open the adhesive tabs, before Shabbos, for all the diapers he will need for Shabbos (Titz Eliezer 16:6, Oz Nidberu 7:34 as well as others). However, the opinion of Rav Moshe Finestein was that one need not do this prior to Shabbos (additionally this was the opinion of Rav Aurebach zt"l as well as Rav Scheinberg shlit"a).
Thursday, October 27, 2011
If I don’t remember if I said “Mashiv Haruach” do I need to repeat Shmoneh Esrei?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Can I wash my child's dirty clothes on Chol Hamoed?
Question:Can I wash my child’s dirty clothes on Chol Hamoed?
Discussion:One should start Yom Tov with enough clothes for his children (M.B. 534:7). However, if one runs out of clothes for their child then they may be washed on Chol Hamoed.
Until what age does this apply?There is a dispute among the poskim in this matter. According to Rav S.Z. Aurebach zt”l and ylc”t Rav Elyashiv shlit”a this heter applies until the age of 6-7. According to Rav Scheinberg shlit”a it depends on the child. Does this child go through a lot of clothes or not. If he does then the age is until bar\bas mitzvah. If he doesn’t then it is until 6-7.
Does one have to wash the clothes in private?There is a dispute as to whether one must wash children’s clothes in private. The Rema (534:1) says that one must wash them in private, therefore one should not use a laundromat. However, the Aruch Hashulchan (534:8) says that everyone will see that it is children's clothes so there is no problem of maris ayin. If one must use a laundromat a rav should be consulted.
According to Rav Moshe Finestein, if a person is traveling out of town one need not bring all of the child’s clothes with him if it is a big bother. However, there are opinions that hold one must bring all of the child’s clothes when travelling out of town if he does not do this he may not wash the clothes on Yom Tov (Shut Hagavad Mi’Debritzin Siman18).
One may not add in any adult clothing even if he is washing a full load of children's clothes.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
At what age is it appropriate for a child to fast on Yom Kippur?
Are children obligated to fast on Yom Kippur?
There are two categories of children that we will discuss here, a child under the age of nine and a child above the age of eleven. One is not obligated to train a child under the age of nine to fast on Yom Kippur. The age of chinuch for fasting is nine years old for a strong child and ten years old for a weaker child (S.A. 617:2). However, some people have the custom of training a child to fast part of the day even if he is younger then nine (Shut Chekrei Lev 109). Once a child reaches the age of nine (or ten), his parents are obligated to train him to fast part of the day. For example he should start the fast at night and eat breakfast later then he would normally eat. Every year the child should fast longer until he is 13 (or 12 for a girl).
If a child’s health is endangered by the fast he must eat or drink immediately.
There is a dispute among the poskim whether a child older then eleven should fast the whole day or not. Therefore, if a child is weak one may rely on the lenient opinion. The Mishna Berura (617:9) says that in today's times all children are considered weak (unless we know that the child is strong) and therefore do not have to fast the entire day.
If a child does eat on Yom Kippur and bentsches he should say Ya’ale V’yavo. If Yom Kippur is on Shabbos, like this year, he should also include R’tzei. However, if one left out either addition bentsching is not repeated (M.B. 618:29).
A child under the age of nine need not fast at all on Yom Kippur. Some people have the custom to train the child to fast part of the day. Once a child is over the age of nine (or ten if he is weak) he should begin to fast for part of the day. A child over the age of eleven need not fast the entire day according to the Mishna Berura. However, other poskim disagree and say that such a child should fast the entire day
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
What does an Eruv Tavshilin consist of?
What does the Eruv Tavshilin consist of?
The most preferred manner of making an Eruv Tavshilin is to use one cooked item and one baked item (Shulchan Aruch 527). If one only used a cooked item the Eruv is still valid. However, if one only used a baked item, the Eruv is invalid (M.B. 527:6-7). In such a situation a rav should be consulted as there are ways around this issue.
The Cooked Item:
The cooked item should be something which is normally eaten with bread i.e. fish, meat, poultry etc (M.B. 527:11). One should use a nice portion since it is being used for a mitzvah. However, one must use at least an olive size portion. It is best if the cooked item was cooked specifically for the Eruv (527:6 Beiur Halacha ibid).
The Baked Item:
One should use bread or matzah for the Eruv. The minimum amount one needs is the size of an egg (Rema 527:3). It is preferable to use a nice sized portion for the baked item as well.
What does one do with the Eruv?
The Eruv must remain intact inorder to permit melacha for Shabbos. If one lost his Eruv or it was eaten then a rav should be consulted. If part of the Eruv was lost but at least an olive size remains that is sufficent (S.A 527:17). The Eruv should be eaten on Shabbos, some have the custom of using the bread for the lechem mishneh by each meal and eating it at the third meal (M.B. 527:11).
If one forgot to make an Eruv Tavshilin a rav should be consulted
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Can I carry my siddur to shul on Friday for use on Shabbos (Eruv Tavshilin II)?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What Melachos are Permitted Based on an Eruv Tavshilin
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
Walking in front of a surveillance camera on Shabbos
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