Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: What are some of the restrictions of Sefira? Discussion: First we will discuss what the restrictions are and then we will see when they apply. The first restriction that is mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch (493) is not to get married during this time. To merely become engaged would be permitted. Another restriction is not to take a haircut or shave, and the final restriction is not to listen to music. Interestingly enough this last restriction is not brought in the Shulchan Aruch. However, it has been accepted universally (Aruch Hashulchan ibid). The Mishna Berura write that one is permitted to make a שהחיינו during this time period. One should ask his own rav in regards to listening to a cappella music as there are different opinions on the matter. Why do these restrictions apply? The reason why we have these restrictions is in the time of Rabbi Akiva there was a plague that wiped out all 24,000 talmidim of his. The Gemara says that the land was desolate of torah until the famous five talmidim of Rabbi Akiva that came after this group brought back the torah learning. As a side point one opinion is that the reason why we celebrate the 33rd day of the omer is that was the day when Rabbi Akiva gave smecha to these five talmidim. Another reason given for this mourning is many times in history especially in the middle ages there were many pogroms during these months. This is why we say Av Harachamim on shabbos even when we bentch Rosh Chodesh; something that we normally do not say the rest of the year. When do these restrictions apply? There are basically four customs as to when these restrictions apply. The first one which is the opinion of the Mechaber is that until the 34th day during the day one would not be permitted to do any of these things. The second one which is brought by the Rema is from the 1st to the 33rd day of the omer. The next opinion is from the second day of Rosh Chodesh Iyyar until Erev Shavous. The Fourth one is from the first day of Rosh Chodesh until the third day of Sivan. Each custom has its reasons as to why they start and end at different times. However, according to all customs (except the first opinion) the 33rd day during the day time, has no restrictions. Any custom that one follows is good, but one must followed; he can't take the leniencies of both. If someone needs to change his custom for any reason, he should ask a rav what to do. . For all practical questions please ask your Rav. 
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