Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: The screw popped out of my glasses, what do I do? Discussion: The halacha is that if an object breaks on Shabbos under certain conditions it becomes Muktzah (Shulchan Aruch 308:6,16). We will try to clarify the different scenarios that could happen. If the screw pops out The first situation we will discuss is the screw pops out and the lens does not stay in place. In this situation the glasses would become mukztah and you would not be allowed to use or move them. The reason is Chazal were concerned that you will replace the screw which is prohibited to do on Shabbos. If the screw is lost and it's not possible to replace it on Shabbos then the glasses would not become muktzah. Similarly if one dose not have a screwdriver that size, the glasses would not be muktzah. Furthermore, one would be permitted to fix them in a temporary fashion. However, if it is common for people to have these screws or screwdrivers in their homes, then even if one lost the screw he would not be able to use the glasses. If the lens pops out or the temple gets disconnected If the lens pops out and one can put it back in a temporary way then he would be allowed to do this on Shabbos. However, if the only way to put it back is to screw it back it then one would not be allowed to do this on Shabbos and the glasses would become muktzah. If one temple was disconnected then the glasses are not muktzah because one can use the glasses with only one temple (אז נדברו ח"ח סל"ג). If both temples become disconnected then all of the pieces would become muktzah unless one can fix them in a temporary way. A rav should be consulted whether they can be worn outside without a eruv. Additionally,a rav should be consulted as to what is considered temporary. However, if the temple snaps in half then the temple would be muktzah because it has no use on Shabbos. If the frame itself is broken then all the pieces are muktzah because it has no use for Shabbos. . For all practical questions please ask your Rav. 
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