Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is the mitzvah of “Retelling the story of our exodus from Egypt”?

There is a unique mitzvah on the night of the Seder, which is the retelling of our freedom from Egypt. This is a Torah commandment that can only be fulfilled on the night of the Seder. Although the Torah uses the terms of a father telling the story to his son (Shemos 13:8) we know that everyone is obligated to retell the story.

Are women obligated in this mitzvah?
Women are obligated in this mitzvah however, there is some discussion if it is a Biblical obligation or a Rabbinic one. Either way they should make sure to participate in all the mitzvos of the night. The absolute minimum that a woman (or a man) must be part of is from “Raban Gamliel…” until the second cup has been drunk. There are some poskim that say women should also be present for the “Ten Plagues” as well.

However, it should be noted that women are obligated in all the mitzvos of the night and are therefore required to drink the four cups at their proper place in the Hagaddah as well as eating the matzo and marror (Beur Halacha 472:8). 

There is a mitzvah of chinuch in all the mitzvos of the night. Therefore, once a child can understand the story he or she should participate in the Seder. Usually, this begins between the ages of 5 or 6 but it can vary depending on the child (Shulchan Aruch HaRav 472:25).

It is important for parents to ensure that their children sleep during the day so that they can stay up at night to hear the Hagaddah. They should not be put to sleep until after the Maggid part of the Seder is done. Obviously, as the children get older they should be encouraged to stay until the end of the Hagaddah. The Gemara relates that Rabbi Akiva used to leave the Bais Medrash to ensure that the children would take a nap during the day (Pesachim 109a). 

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