Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What are the laws of the 4 Cups?
 We drink four cups of wine at the Seder because wine is the drink of a “free man” (Pesachim 117b). Each of these cups is drunk after completing four mitzvos at the Seder. They are 1) Kiddush 2) reciting the Hagaddah 3) Bentching 4) Hallel. These cups must be drunk at the right place therefore if one drinks four cups one after the other he has not fulfilled his obligation (M.B. 472:26).
How much must I drink?
The cup must contain a “rivis” of wine (the exact meassurments will be the topic of a subsequent email.) and it is preferable to drink the entire cup one must drink at least a majority of the cup (M.B. 472:30). Additionally, it must be dunk in a specific amount of time there is some debate among the poskim as to what the exact time is the opinions range from one (or two swallows with minimal time in between) to nine minutes (M.B. 170:8; 472:34). If it took a person longer than nine minutes to drink rov rivis (most of a rivis) then a new cup should be drunk with a new bracha ( Shar Hatzyun 472:47).
Can I use Grape Juice?
There are two aspects in the mitzvah of the Four Cups, one is the act of drinking it and the other is the feeling of “freedom” that it represents. In order to fulfill both aspects one should use wine for the four cups even if it causes him some discomfort (O.C. 472:10). The Gemara says that the wine must have the appearance and taste of wine this means that grape juice should preferably not be used (Shulchan Aruch HaRav 742:27). One is permitted to mix the wine with grape juice provided that the wine taste is not lost. If one gets sick from drinking wine then he should use grape juice (M.B. 472:35).
Women and Children:
Women have an equal obligation in drinking the Four Cups as men do and therefore all the halachos that apply to a man are applicable to a woman as well. Like any other mitzvah, parents are obligated to train their children in the mitzvah when they reach the age that they can understand the mitzvah. The Cups should be drunk in the proper place and not all at once.  

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