Thursday, March 14, 2013

What are some of the laws of Heseiba, Reclining?
On the night of the Seder, we are supposed to act as if we ourselves were taken out of Egypt. One of the ways we do this is by eating in the way of free men – which is to recline while eating (Shulchan Aruch HaRav 472:7).
One is required to recline at the following points in the Seder, while eating the Matzah, (this includes koraich and Afikomen) and while drinking each of the Four Cups. There is a discussion regarding reclining while eating the Karpas, one should follow his custom. If he has no specific custom he should recline since the dipping is to show freedom (Halachos of Pesach pg. 247)
The Opinion of the Ra’avyah:
There is an opinion that holds that since it is no longer the custom of nobility to recline it is no longer a sign of a free man is in unnecessary at the Seder. However, we generally do not follow this view since most poskim hold that it is still a sign of freedom.  Therefore, if one did not recline at the appropriate places he must redo the mitzvah. However, if one did not recline while drinking the first Cup he should not drink a new Cup.
The general custom is that women do not recline since it was never the custom of women to do so (even when it was normal for people to recline). Additionally, the opinion of the Ra’avyah is that no one is required to recline therefore the custom developed that women do not recline (M.B. 472:12).  

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