Friday, May 3, 2013

What are some Halachos of Tefillahs Haderech (part I)?

What are some Halachos of Tefillahs Haderech (part I)?

The custom is to say the tefillah in plural from even when travelling alone since this will help the tefillah have more of an affect (M.B. 110:19). The Mishna Berura also writes that a person should make sure to travel with food since when travelling it is possible for an accident to happen and he might find himself without kosher food.  Additionally, one should make sure to travel with Tallis and Teffilin even if he is planning to return the same day since it is possible that he will be delayed and miss the mitzvah. This is true even if he would be able to borrow someone’s Teffilin (M.B. 110:20).

One should stop travelling while saying Tefillahs Haderech; however, if this will cause him to delay and he will not be able to concentrate it may be said while traveling (S.A. 110:4). When traveling by plane, bus, or train and it is possible to stand while saying Tefillahs Haderech, one should do so (Aruch Hashulchan 110:11).  
The obligation of this tefillah is once a day while travelling. Therefore, if a person is traveling for two days and stops overnight, he should say this tefillah twice; this is true even if he resumes traveling while it is still night. If the stop was a short one and he continued traveling, a new tefillah is not made. If one is traveling the entire day and night, he should repeat the tefillah without the concluding bracha. Therefore, if one is on a cruise he should make sure to say Tefillahs Haderech each morning without the concluding bracha (Eishay Yisrael 50:4:13). 

If, upon reaching his destination, he changes his mind and wants to continue traveling, he should say Tefillahs Haderech again (S.A. 110:5).  

The bracha should ideally be connected to another bracha so if possible one should first go to the bathroom, make an Asher Yotzar, and then say tefillah Haderech. Another option would be to eat something, make a bracha achrona, and then say Tefillahs Haderech. If this is not possible, Tefillahs Haderech should be said anyway (M.B. 110:28).

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