Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tefillahs Haderech Part II

What are some Halachos of Tefillahs Haderech (part II)?

The proper time to say Tefillahs Haderech is once the trip has begun. Practically, one should wait until he is more than 70 amos past the last house of the city (M.B. 110:29). Ideally, it should be said during the first “parsa” of travel – a parsa is 8,000 amos - (Rema 110:7). If one stopped overnight, the tefillah can be said even before he leaves the city that he stopped at (M.B. 110:29). Once a person is within a parsa of his destination, he should not recite the concluding bracha.

If one is traveling less than a parsa, he should not conclude the tefillah with the bracha. However, if there is danger within a parsa of the city, the tefillah is recited while traveling within that parsa.
All these Halachos apply to a ship as well as traveling on land. It would seem that if a person goes on a cruise he should recite Tefillahs Haderech each morning of the cruise.

When travelling by plane one should recite the tefillah while the plane is taking off. If one had to travel outside the city to reach the airport then the Tefillah should be recited when he leaves the city. It does not need to be repeated when the plane takes off. So for example when one leaves Yerushalayim he should recite Tefillahs Haderech and then does not need to say it again when he takes off from Tel Aviv.  

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