Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can I fold my tallis Shabbos morning?

Vol. 1 Iss. 33

פרשת בלק


   We would like to wish mazal tov to Rabbi Goldman's Gemara shiur which will be making a siyum on maseches Kesubos on Sunday July 17th at 5 p.m.. The siyum will take place at Rabbi Schmidman's shul. We will be joined by Rabbi Dovid Goldman. 

   Gemara Shiur will be starting maseches Brachos on Tuesday, July 5th. Additionally the halacha shiur at night will be learning halachos that are connected to the daf learned that week.    

      Dvar Torah

             By: Rabbi Goldman



    Many rishonim say that the mitzva of "shema" can be fullfilled through saying the first line of shema alone. The Sefer Hachinuch explains that the main benifits of shema are from that first pasuk.
      In the first pasuk we are saying that Hashem is "One" (that He controls everything, He created everything etc.), and that we are accepting him as "Our king" (we are committing ourselves to following all of His mitzvos). These ideas are some of the most important things to focus on.
     The Sefer Hachinuch says that if we have these ideas on our mind throughout the day, then our day will be focused appropriately on the correct perspective. He also says that if we really focus on these factors during shema, we are able to use the momentary clarity to create the correct mindset for the rest of the day!  



        Dvar Halacha     

         By: R' Chananya Berman




 Can I fold my tallis after davening on Shabbos morning?

Discussion:   One is not allowed to fold a cloth on the creases (O.C. 302:3). The reason for this is the issur of misaken mana. Therefore one should not fold his tallis on the creases after davening. However, one may fold the tallis in a different way and then refold it after Shabbos (Aruch Hashulchan 302:11). The Mishna Berura writes that if one wants to be machmir that is the preferable way (SK 19). 

Folding Pants

      There is a dispute as to whether one may fold his pants on the crease. Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurebach zt"l held that one may fold on the pleat. His reasoning is the purpose is to protect the pants from getting wrinkled not to keep the pleat. However, bot Rav Wosner and Rav karelitz disagree with this. One should therefore be careful to not fold  the pants on the crease.

Folding Napkins

     Another area that this halacha applies to is folding napkins on Shabbos. Rav Aurebach zt"l says one should not do this because it is misaken mana. However, Rav Karelitz says that since the folded napkin is meant as a temporary fold it is not a problem. However, he leaves off with a safek whether this is permitted. One should ask a rav what to do. 


One should not fold his tallis on the original creases on Shabbos. However, he may fold it in a different way and then refold it after Shabbos. The Mishna Berura seems to say that it is best for a person to be stringent in this. Similarly one should be careful to not fold his pants on the crease. In regards to folding napkins one should ask a rav what to do.           




For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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   Food For Thought

We know that chazal established that we make a bracha before doing a mitzvah. The question is why is there no bracha on Kreyas Shema?





Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

These times are for NYC only 

 For times out of NYC please click

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 8:10

Sh'kea                             8:28

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:16

Mogen Avroham             8:40

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