Dvar Torah By: Rabbi Goldman The Gemara says that if someone says "Ashrei" three times a day then he will be zoche to Olam Habah. The Gemara explains that one of the reason that Ashrei is such an important tefilah is because of the pasuk "Poseach Es Yadecha Umasbia Lichal Chai Ratzon". This pasuk tells us that "Hashem takes care of the needs of all living beings". When we say these words we are saying that we know that Hashem has the capacity and the care and concern to take care of all living beings. It also seems that we are indicating that we trust in Hashem that He will help us and take care of our needs. The halacha is that we must think about what the words mean when we say "Poseach Es Yadecha". When we are saying this pasuk three times a day we have an opportinity to remind ourselves of these important things. That Hashem controls the whole world, Hashem takes care of everyone, Hashem does so much Chesed, and that we trust Him to help us in all areas of life. |
Dvar Halacha By: R' Chananya Berman Question: Can I make a Shehecheyanu during the Three Weeks? Discussion: The Shulchan Aruch writes that the custom is not to recite Shehecheyanu during the Three Weeks (551:17). However, The Aruch Hashulchan says that our minhag is to recite Shehecheyanu until Rosh Chodesh Av. The Mishna Berura writes that one should wait until Shabbos to make the Shehecheyanu. If it is not possible to wait for Shabbos (e.g. the new fruit will spoil) then one would be allowed to make the bracha during the week. If a person is making a bris and his custom is to say Shehecheyanu, then he would recite it during this time. Similarly if a daughter is born the parents would make a shehecheyanu. One should ask his rav whether we make a Shehecheyanu on new clothing in today's times. If one does make the bracha, he should not wear new clothes during this time period. It would seem that one may wait for Shabbos to wear the new garment and make a shehecheyanu on it. For all practical questions please ask your Rav. 
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