Thursday, July 14, 2011

What can I do if my shoelace ripes on Shabbos?

Vol. 1 Iss. 34

פרשת פנחס


   We would like to wish mazal tov to Rabbi Goldman's Gemara shiur which will be making a siyum on maseches Kesubos on Sunday July 17th at 5 p.m.. The siyum will take place at Rabbi Schmidman's shul. We will be joined by Rabbi Dovid Goldman. 

   Gemara Shiur will be starting maseches Brachos on Tuesday, July 5th. Additionally the halacha shiur at night will be learning halachos that are connected to the daf learned that week.    

     Dvar Torah

    By: Rabbi Goldman


     In the Tur it says that "Whether a person does (davens or learns) "a lot" or "a little" its the same (they are equal). As long as the person has kavanna it is good".
The Tur also says that "A little with kavanna is better than a lot without kavanna".
    The Mishna Berura explains that when we are davening, the main goal is to focus on what we are saying; and its more important to daven with focus than to daven alot. However; it would seem that davening a lot with kavanna is  better than davening less with kavanna? Therefore; he explains that the Tur is referring to a situation where the person does not have the ability to daven a lot and that is why he is davening less. In this case, the Tur teaches us that as long as he is doing what he can, then he gets as much credit as though he had davened more. This is based on the concept that "In Hashem's eyes the only thing that's important is that we do the best that we can with the ability that He has given us".
       Therefore; its important to make sure to focus on what we are saying when we daven. We are expected to do our best and even when our time or ability is limited as long as we are doing our best that's all that matters.


        Dvar Halacha     

         By: R' Chananya Berman


Clarification from last week:

In regards to folding napkins I would like to clarify the following point. If you have a regular napkin that you want to fold from a square into a rectangle that is totally permitted. The situation we were talking about was folding the napkin in a complex way (i.e. making it into a flower or some other shape.). A simple fold would be permitted according to all opinions.  


Question:   What can I do if my shoelace rips on Shabbos?

Discussion: One may not insert new shoelaces into a pair of shoes on Shabbos. The reason for this is by doing so you are "completing" the shoe (Makeh Bipatish). Before you put in the shoelaces the shoe is unusable and now it is usable. However, one may reinsert the laces that where in the shoes before Shabbos.

    If one's shoelace rips on Shabbos then he has one of the following two choices: 1) he can put in a shoelace of a different color then that of the shoe. 2) One may insert shoelaces of the same color by threading them through the first two eyelets only. The reason for both these options is that clearly this is only a temporary fix and can't be considered finishing the shoe.  

    A third option is one can re-lace the shoe with the second half of the shoelace that was in the shoe as long as the lace can be threaded easily through the eyelets.  (Shimeras Shabbos Khilchasa 15:59-60)   




For all practical questions please ask your Rav.



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   Food For Thought

One reason given for why we have lechem mishneh on Shabbos is that on Friday  a double portion of maan was sent down; one for Friday and one for Shabbos. The question is shouldn't we have the lechem mishneh on Friday since that is the day that we received the portions?     



Gemara Shiur 30 Min before Shacharis, given by Rabbi  Goldman.

Halacha Shiur preceding maariv at Ahavas Yisroel 9:00-9:30 Monday and Thursday, given by R' Chananya Berman.  

For any comments or suggestion please email or speak to Rabbi Goldman

These times are for NYC only 

 For times out of NYC please click

Shabbos zimanim are:

Candle lighting                 8:07

Sh'kea                             8:25

Sof Zman Kriyas shma   9:19

Mogen Avroham             8:43

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